pysep.api.starting package

Module contents

pysep.api.starting.get_basic_stellar_model(path, control========== DSEP CONTROL NAMELIST FILE ========= ==============================================  Number of Runs: 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  INDIVIDUAL RUN INFO BELOW: ======== DSEP RUN ======== Run Kind: RESCALE kindrn: 2 numrun: 1 descrip: solar mass, solar metallicity lfirst: True nmodls: 2 cmixla: 1.941 rsclx: 0.70692 rsclz: 0.01889 ======== DSEP RUN ======== Run Kind: EVOLVE kindrn: 1 numrun: 2 descrip: Default solar control namelist provided with pysep lfirst: False nmodls: 9900 cmixla: 1.941 endage: -4570000000.0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ numrun: 2 lpulse: False ipver: 2 lopal95: True fo95cobin: /mnt/p/d/Astronomy/GraduateSchool/SecondYearProject/DSEP/dsep_Thomas/DSEPmisc/opac/OPAL/OPAL_GS98.bin lalex95: True zalex: 0.01889 mix: GS98 iafe: 0 lzams: False lhb: False ltrack: True liso: True lcorr: True lrwsh: False opecalex: ['/mnt/p/d/Astronomy/GraduateSchool/SecondYearProject/DSEP/dsep_Thomas/DSEPmisc/opac/ferg04/gs98.0.tron', '/mnt/p/d/Astronomy/GraduateSchool/SecondYearProject/DSEP/dsep_Thomas/DSEPmisc/opac/ferg04/gs98.1.tron', '/mnt/p/d/Astronomy/GraduateSchool/SecondYearProject/DSEP/dsep_Thomas/DSEPmisc/opac/ferg04/gs98.2.tron', '/mnt/p/d/Astronomy/GraduateSchool/SecondYearProject/DSEP/dsep_Thomas/DSEPmisc/opac/ferg04/gs98.35.tron', '/mnt/p/d/Astronomy/GraduateSchool/SecondYearProject/DSEP/dsep_Thomas/DSEPmisc/opac/ferg04/gs98.5.tron', '/mnt/p/d/Astronomy/GraduateSchool/SecondYearProject/DSEP/dsep_Thomas/DSEPmisc/opac/ferg04/gs98.7.tron', '/mnt/p/d/Astronomy/GraduateSchool/SecondYearProject/DSEP/dsep_Thomas/DSEPmisc/opac/ferg04/gs98.8.tron', '/mnt/p/d/Astronomy/GraduateSchool/SecondYearProject/DSEP/dsep_Thomas/DSEPmisc/opac/ferg04/gs98.9.tron'], physics========== DSEP PHYSICS NAMELIST FILE ========= ============================================== kttau: 5 ldify: True ldifz: True lthoul: True lthoulfit: False fgry: 1.0 fgrz: 1.0 dt_gs: 0.1 xmin: 0.001 ymin: 0.001 grtol: 2e-07 niter_gs: 10 ilambda: 4 lnews: True lsnu: True niter1: 2 niter2: 40 niter3: 0 niter4: 0 lsemic: False dpenv: 1.0 lovstc: True lovste: False lovstm: False lexcom: False lenvg: False atmstp: 0.01 envstp: 0.01 lcorel: True lhaft: True lnulos1: True lnulos2: True lfree_eos: False ieos: [1, 101, 0] lopale: False ldh: True etadh0: -1.0 etadh1: 1.0 lcore: False fcore: 1.0 mcore: 1 lnewcp: False anewcp:     atmp: REL xnewcp: 13 fcorr0: 0.8 fcorri: 0.1 lnew0: False tridt: 0.001 tridl: 0.008 atmerr: 1e-05 atmmax: 0.05 atmmin: 0.015 atmbeg: 0.015 atmd0: 1e-10 enverr: 1e-05 envmax: 0.05 envmin: 0.015 envbeg: 0.015 stolr0: 1e-07 imax: 11 nuse: 7 htoler: [[6e-05, 4.5e-05, 3e-05, 9e-05, 3e-05], [90000.0, 50000.0, 50000.0, 50000000000.0, 2.5e-06]] shelltol: [1e-10, 0.05, 0.02, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.1] atime: [0.0001, 0.02, 0.2, 0.02, 0.3, 0.0015, 0.1, 0.02, 0.4, 0.02, 0.02, None, 1.01] lptime: True tcut: [6.5, 6.5, 6.82, 7.73, 7.5] tscut: 6.0 tenv0: 3.0 tenv1: 9.0 tgcut: 6.9 optol: 1e-08 cmin: 1e-20 abstol: 1e-06 reltol: 1e-05 kemmax: 50 clsun: 3.8418e+33 crsun: 69598000000.0 sstandard: [0.9681, 1.0058, 1.0, 0.8966, 1.2727, 0.512, 0.9894, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8642, 0.2875], opac=(Fname: GS98hz, Unit: 48), prems=(Fname: m100.GS98, Unit: 12))

Get a simple formated model meant to get you up and going with pysep with the smalled possible amount of effort

  • path (str) – output path to save model too

  • control (, – Control namelist file to use, default is a good solar control namelist

  • physics (, – Physics namelist file to use, default is good for a solar mass star

  • opac (, default=pysep.opac.opal.defaults.GS98hz) – Default high temperature opacity file too use. Default is based on the GS98 solar composition from OPAL

  • prems (, default=pysep.prems.defaults.m100_GS98) – Premain sequence model to use. Default is for a 1 solar mass star with the GS98 solar composition.


enevolved stellar model

Return type



If you just want to get up and running with pysep as fast as possible >>> from pysep.api.starting import get_basic_stellar_model >>> model = get_basic_stellar_model(“.”) >>> model.evolve() >>> model.stash(data=True)

If you want to get started with a control namelist file as fast as possible, but don’t want to worry about the other things. >>> from import load as load_cnml >>> from pysep.api.starting import get_basic_stellar_model >>> custom_cnml = load_cnml(“<path/to/cnml>”) >>> model = get_basic_stellar_model(“.”, control=custom_cnml) >>> model.evolve() >>> model.stash(data=True)