pysep.plot package


pysep.plot.evtrack module

Author: Thomas M. Boudreaux

Created: September 2021

Last Modified: September 2021

Utilities to quickly plot basic evolutionary tracks

pysep.plot.evtrack.ev_tracks(models, labels, figsize=(10, 7))

Given some list of DSEP stellarModels plot them all on a single HR diagram

  • models (list of pysep.dsep.dsepModel.model) – List of models, each one will have its track file read and plotted

  • labels (list of strings) – Labels to be used to mark the legend of the HR diagram

  • figsize (2-tuple of floats, default=(10, 7)) – Figure size to generate


  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.figure) – Figure object generated

  • ax (matplotli.pyplot.canvas) – Axis object generated

pysep.plot.evtrack.single_track(ax, trk, label, **kwargs)

Given some track dataframe put the correct elements on an evolutionary track

  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.canvas) – Axis to plot the Teff and Log_g too

  • trk (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataframe to pull Log_T and Log_g from

  • label (str) – String to labels track with

pysep.plot.loggTeff module

Author: Thomas M. Boudreaux

Created: Jaunary 2021

Last Modified: February 2021

This module provides very rudimentery plotting routines meant to cover much of the mundane boiler plate plotting code used when investigating model results.

pysep.plot.loggTeff.basic_HR(path, savepath=None)

Plot a very basic logg teff graph

  • path (str) – Path to read iso file from

  • savepath (str, optional) – Path to save figure to. If no path is provided the figure will be drawn to the windowing system.

Module contents

Plotting module for pysep to allow for fast viewing of model results.