Installing / Using


The first step is to set the DSEPRoot enviromental variable. This should point to a directory which contains DSEPMisc and dsepX (and likely DSEPDoc). So in your shell profile there should be a line such as

DSEPRoot = "/path/to/folder/with/DSEPMisc/and/dsepX/in/it"


Now you can intall the dependencies

pip install -r requirments.txt


Additionally, you need the boost libraries for c++. Pysep uses boost to memory map large files (such as large track files) so that they can be opened and parsed more efficiently. The exact install directions depend on your distribution. For Arch derivitive installations


sudo pacman -Syu boost
sudo pacman -Syu boost-libs


For ubuntu (and ubuntu derived distos such as mint)

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev


For fedorah (and its derived distributions)

sudo yum install boost-devel


On macOS if you have MacPorts installed you can use

sudo port install boost

or if you prefer to use homebrew you can use

brew install boost

Package Installation

And finally the package itself

python install