Model Usage

pysep provides a handy interface to call DSEP. Note that because pysep is still under development the interface may be subject to change; however, the majority of it is locked in at this point. Therefore, most of what is in this help documnt should be applicable for the forseable future.

The basic operating principal of the pysep interface is to package every file that would be linked as a fort.# as a python object. These can then be manipulated within python. Finally, a “StellarModel” takes in all these python objects and handels setting up the enviroment (i.e. symlinking the fort.# files) and running the dsepX executable.

There are “defaut” files prepacked within pysep in addition to routines to read in any custom files which may be desired.

Here is a simple example using only “default” files

from import solar
from import phys1Low

from pysep.prems.defaults import m100_GS98
from pysep.opac.opal.defaults import GS98hz

from pysep.dsep import stellarModel as sm

outputPath = "."

# set up the model
model = sm(outputPath, solar, phys1Low, GS98hz, m100_GS98)

# run the dsep executable with the given control namelist file (in this case solar)

# save the model object so it can be loaded back into pysep in the future

Now lets say you wanted to modify the endage on the evolution run of dsep so that the model evolves till DSEP crashes out, you could instead do

from import solar
from import phys1Low

from pysep.prems.defaults import m100_GS98
from pysep.opac.opal.defaults import GS98hz

from pysep.dsep import stellarModel as sm

outputPath = "."

solar[1]['endage'] = -solar[1]['endage']
# set up the model
model = sm(outputPath, solar, phys1Low, GS98hz, m100_GS98)

# run the dsep executable with the given control namelist file (in this case solar)

# save the model object so it can be loaded back into pysep in the future

Finally, lets say you had some other opacity file and premain sequence model you wanted to use in place of one of the defaults packaged with dsep

from import solar
from import phys1Low

from import opacf_file, premsf_file

from pysep.dsep import stellarModel as sm

outputPath = "."
opacFilePath "./opalFormatedOpacFile"

opac = opacf_file(opacFilePath)
prems = premsf_file(premsFilePath)

solar[1]['endage'] = -solar[1]['endage']
# set up the model
model = sm(outputPath, solar, phys1Low, opac, prems)

# run the dsep executable with the given control namelist file (in this case solar)

# save the model object so it can be loaded back into pysep in the future

Reading DSEP output

pysep provides the ability to read dsep output. You can either use the included functions directly (if you don’t want to load up a full StellarModel) or you access the results from a StellarModel within the object.

An example of directly reading an iso and track file is given below

import import read_iso
import import read_trk

isoFile = read_iso("path/to/iso/file")
trkFile = read_trk("path/to/trk/file")

Here isoFile and trkFile are both pandas dataframes. Note that reading in the trk file can be quite slow right now. One current task is to rewrite that parser in C/C++ to speed up the reading.

If instead you wanted to access the results from a StellarModel you could do

from import solar
from import phys1Low

from pysep.prems.defaults import m100_GS98
from pysep.opac.opal.defaults import GS98hz

from pysep.dsep import stellarModel as sm

outputPath = "."

solar[1]['endage'] = -solar[1]['endage']
# set up the model
model = sm(outputPath, solar, phys1Low, GS98hz, m100_GS98)

# run the dsep executable with the given control namelist file (in this case solar)


If you ran a StellarModel and stashed it and want to access it in the future you can simply use

from pysep.dsep.utils import load_model

path = "path/to/stashed/model.dsep/file"
model = load_model(path)

Other things

In addition to the functions given above, pysep currently has a few more abilities. In no particular order

1) Query opacities from the TOPS web form and put them into a form dsep will understand
2) Generate pre main sequence models for arbitrary chemical compositions over a range of masses
3) Automatically read in a directory full of either iso or trk files

Over time I will expand pysep to give more control over dsep from within python. For now though this is at least somewhat helpful.

Indices and tables