Command Line Utilities

pysep comes with a few command line utilities which can be helpful.

Right now there are two of these which matter

  1. generateTOPStables

    • This will take in a chemical abundance file and output a DSEP formated high

    temperature opacity table as queried from the Los Alamos web server.


    • This will call the polytropic generation code to generate DSEP formated premain sequence models.

Opacity Generation

Given some file called GS98.abun in the current working directory. .. code:: bash GS98.abun -p GS98_abun -d GS98_opac -o GS98_TOPS_opac -j 25

This command will use the chemical abundance file GS98.abun to query TOPS. Results will be saved in the file GS_TOPS_opac and intermediate results will be stored in the directory GS_opac. TOPS will be quireied with a maximum of 25 threads at a time (don’t let this go to high, don’t want to be kicked off!)

If you have already queried and you would just like to reconvert those results to a DSEP format you can use .. code:: bash GS98.abun -p GS98_abun -d GS98_opac -o GS98_TOPS_opac –nofetch

This should hopefully let high temperature opacity tables be generated very easily going fowards, assuming TOPS dose not change their website…