Welcome to mplEasyAnimate’s documentation!
An easy way to make matplotib animations! All of the functionality is contained in the animate.py file. The rest of the files are just examples.
- class mplEasyAnimate.animate.animation(filename: str, size: Tuple[int, int] = None, pbar: bool = False, mbs: int = 16, dpi: int = 150, init_frame: matplotlib.figure.Figure = None, init_ax: matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot = None, fps: int = 5, interactive: bool = False, autoSmooth: bool = False, smoothingFrames: int = 5, saveFinalFrame: int = False, smoothingTime: float = None, smoothingFunction: Callable = None)
Animation class. This class requires will take in a matplotib figure object and add it to an imageio open video file.
- filenamestr
Filename to animation will be written to
- sizeTuple[int]
X, Y dimensions of image (x, y)
- pbarbool
Flag controlling use of a tqdm progress bar
- dpiint
image dpi (dots per inch)
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> from animate import animation >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100) >>> line, = ax.plot(x, np.sin(x)) >>> anim = animation('test.mp4', size=(500, 500), pbar=True) >>> for i in range(100): >>> line.set_ydata(np.sin(x + i/10.0)) >>> anim.add_frame(fig) >>> anim.close()
Constructs all the necessary attributes for the animation object. If init_frame and init_ax are provided then the animation will be drawn on top of the init_frame. This can be used to speed up the animation process. If the matplotlib enviroment is interactive then that will be recorded and restored when the animation is closed.
- filenamestr
Filename to write animation too
- sizetuple[int], default=None
X, Y dimensions of image (x, y)
- pbarbool, default=False
Use tqdm progress bar
- mbsint, default=16
image macro_block_size to use
- dpiint, default=150
image dpi
- init_framematplotlib.figure.Figure, default=None
canvas to draw on, use to speed up animation
- init_axmatplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, default=None
axes to go with init_frame
- fpsint, default=5
frames per second to draw animation at
- ineractivebool, default=False
disable matplotlib interactive mode on animation start
- autoSmoothbool, default=False
Smooth transitions between frames by adding intermediate frames
- smoothingFramesint, default=5
Number of frames to add between each frame
- saveFinalFramebool, default=False
Save the final frame of the animation to a png file called finalFrame.png
- smoothingTimefloat, default=None
Time in seconds to smooth over. If this is provided then smoothingFrames will be ignored.
- smoothingFunctionCallable, default=None
Function to use to smooth frames. This function should take two frames along with a frame index and the total number of frames to be smoothed over and return a new frame of the same size. If this is not provided and autoSmooth is turned on then a linear interpolation between the two frames will be used (cross fade). The function should return a numpy array of the same size as the input frames and as type np.uint8.
- add_frame(frame: matplotlib.figure.Figure, facecolor: str = 'white')
User facing call to add a single frame.
- Parameters:
frame (matplotlib.figure) – Matplotlib figure
facecolor (str, default='white') – Background color of animation
- add_frames(frameList: list[matplotlib.figure.Figure], facecolor: str = 'white')
User facing call to add list of frames.
- Parameters:
frameList (List[matplotlib.figure]) – List of matplotlib figures
facecolor (str, default='white') – Background color of animation
- close()
Safe close of animation.