CoolDwarf.utils.const package


CoolDwarf.utils.const.const module – Constants for CoolDwarf

This module contains the physical constants used in CoolDwarf.

Constants include: - mH: Hydrogen atomic mass in amu (1.00784) - mHe: Helium atomic mass in amu (4.002602) - c: Speed of light in cgs units (2.99792458e10) - a: Radiation constant in cgs units (7.5646e-15) - G: Gravitational constant in cgs units (6.6743e-8) - sigma: Stefan-Boltzmann constant in cgs units (5.670374419e-5) - R: Ideal gas constant in cgs units (8.3145e7) - kB: Boltzmann constant in cgs units (1.3807e-16)

Example usage

>>> from CoolDwarf.utils.const.const import CONST
>>> print(CONST['mH'])

Module contents